Why should I hire a Birth Photographer?

How often do women truly see how strong they are? How often do women see the pure love and joy on their face when they see their child? Without any conditions, just pure love?

So many times, I've heard moms (myself included) that simply don't really remember those feelings or moments in their life. They day you go into labor is compared with, a lot of times, the day of your wedding. Everything goes by so fast. You remember small glimpses, from that day, but let's face it... there are things you're simply not going to remember. You remember on this day, our love story was created! But what about the day you have your baby? It's the greatest segment of your love story! It's something everyone should remember.

It is life-changing!

So much of the empowerment and ownership of birth has been removed by the modern medical system, and we can obviously never know for sure how a birth is going to end. But through my photography, I hope to help families see the beauty in their stories, and the power in their accomplishment of birthing their baby, no matter how that story unfolds.

What is Birth Photography?

It's not just taking photos of a woman in labor. It's everything else that encompasses that day. It's the ups and downs, the hard and the easy. It's watching your husband stand back and watch you show how powerful you are. Unfortunately, with the state that women enter into, we miss out on so many small details. You've worked hard for 40ish weeks to grow and nourish a child, and then you bring them into the world with such power. You shouldn't miss any small detail in their story.

I thoroughly enjoy what I do as a birth worker. I want women to have amazing birth images that can look back on to process their own birth experience or share with their family. These are family heirlooms.

These moments that pass with a blink of an eye, I get to freeze them in a split second for the images to be kept for a life time.

Why does Birth Photography Cost so much?

I have received this question so many times over the last few weeks, that I really felt as if I needed to share my side of things as your professional birth photographer.

This is the same talent and gear as a wedding photographer - with worse conditions and NO set date that we are to come in. We are on call 24/7, even thorough holidays, birthdays, etc. We may leave 3AM in the morning, and have no idea when we would return home. We need to have an amazing support team, and an amazing babysitter.

We are dedicating our lives to you. To be there for you and document every minute of your hard work. To be there at a drop of a pin, no matter what we are in the middle of, to stand by your side and help tell your story. Birthday parties, family vacations, day trips, date nights. We are so passionate about being there for you, we are absolutely ready to leave our lives to document the beginning of your little ones.

SO much goes into birth photography, let me just show you a small snippet of what we have to worry about paying for-


Camera (this item has to be replaced at least every 2 years)


Professional Training

As photographers, we want to ensure that you have the best care, the best experience, and even more, the best, and the most beautiful images. We invest in these things to ensure you get just that. The best.

We don't think twice to invest in wedding photos or family photos, yet we often hesitate when it comes to investing in birth photos. We as photographers are choosing to invest in you and your baby so it seems only just that birth photos should also necessitate some investment, too. It's absolutely worth it!